After having read Dr. Mosher’s information, I became re-energized and absolutely inspired with regards to Bowen Therapy. The recent increase in the effectiveness of my treatments since I have been studying Dr. Mosher’s material has amazed myself, my staff and my clients. I have had the moves memorized since my initial training in the Bowen technique, but it’s not until now that I finally understand just what is going on; being able to relay this to my clients makes it a lot easier for them to believe in the process. Thank you Dr. Mitchell Mosher! Amber G.
Hello Dr.
I am a Bowtech therapist in NSW Australia and I am always interested in anything you write, to be truthful I actually read this site mainly for your input to further my knowledge.
So yes please I am very interested in your thoughts on Food Allergies both for my families and any clients that come to me.
My children were highly allergic to foods back in 1980 so I have been on this trail for 30 years, problem solving their and now my 16mth granddaughter’s intolerances.
Thank you for all you input.
Kerry D.
Hi Mitchell,
It is 4.35am. I went to bed early last night and awoke at 1am. I thought I would look at a webinair that I have been meaning to get around to on the Body/Mind connection and emotional release. As I was checking something else on my desk top, your book that you generously shared through the Bowen yahoo group, popped up. So I have been engrossed in it since.
I am 1/2 way through and feeling sleepy now but I just felt compelled to drop you a line and say thank you. You are answering, in simple straightforward ways, a lot of questions that I have had and giving me the language to pass on to people in shorter concise ways.
Best regards,
Jackie O.
Thanks so much Mitchell
I can already see a change in the work that I am doing because of your input.
My clients are having much deeper healing responses. I am much more mindful of what I am doing.
I am very grateful to you for this.
Thanking you
Kind regards
Hey Mitchell, I don't know what I missed, but whatever you are offering, I want one!! Your explanations/papers are wonderful. So many of us seemed to have not gotten the email you refer to; i wonder if it somehow got filtered out somewhere...? Lynn
Hello, Doctor Mosher,
I just finished listening again to your CDs that came with the home study course I bought 4 or 5 years ago. I really resonate with your understanding and approach. I found your DVD invaluable for review. I was wondering if you ever visit the Roseville area, because I would love to do your advanced class. I never met you, but I bought your manuals and DVD and use the techniques. They are great! I also really enjoy the other modalities and discoveries you mention such as emotional and allergy clearing, craniosacral stretch (etc). And your clarity when explaining the more esoteric theories and making them concrete. Anyway, I am finally going to get a website going and I feel a certification from you would be helpful in the Auburn area because you are so well-respected. My good friend, Cindy B, was like a mentor for me when she was here in the states, and Diane H, another good friend, really praised your wonderful treatments. Soooo...I would appreciate it if you notify me of any visits to this area. Thanks! Lori B.
Read your book while waiting for the DVD - enjoyed it very much, thanks!! Received the DVD and it is great just what I needed for a better understanding.
The DVD was very helpful to actually see the moves being performed and the general Bowen Info. is so informative and helped me understand Bowen so much more. I have had the Bowen done, and I found great results so I am in hopes to learn and master it so I can share with others the benefit and to help them feel good. I am totally fascinated in the Bowen procedure. And your book Straying from the Mainstream is a must to read. For me it brought a lot to light. Thanks again, Donna
Sept. 22, 2008
It’s been over a year and a half that I was introduced to Bowen and like many … it was at a time where the pain was so great and the options were getting slim. I was diagnosed with reverse curvature of the cervical vertebra. I had tried Chiropractic, Massage, Traction etc. … and then while on a trip to Florida, at the request of a friend, I experienced Bowen. After my first treatment, I was a bit skeptical due to the gentle nature of the treatment and the pain was still there… but I listened and continued. It was after the third treatment that I noticed that I slept through the night for the first time in months. I have gone over a year with no pain at all.
It was when I got back home that I was so impressed that I wanted to know more about this Bowen treatment. I searched and found a home study course from Mitchell Mosher. When I got the info, I began by reading the booklet, listening to the CD and then watching the DVD. He was very consistent with the Bowen therapist in Florida (Both learned from one of the legends in Bowen’s history). I found Mitchell to be very helpful in the fact that he did not just sell the program and say “good riddance”. He was always helpful in answering questions. His instruction was VERY detailed, if that’s what you desire but to his credit he simplified the technique to allow you to share with others.
Now please understand that there is no substitute for HANDS ON TRAINING.
With the help of Mitchell’s course as well as Cheryll H. in Florida, I was able to share the Bowen experience with others. To help someone get relief from pain, to hear their words of thanks, and to hear them say … thank you … is beyond words. The Bowen technique has been a blessing to me and some dear friends and family. I am so thankful for Mitchell, he is a man that is genuine and cares about others. You owe it to yourself to meet Mitchell and see for yourself. His home study course is a lot like the man himself … Not a lot of Flash but full of SUBSTANCE. It is a great introduction to the Bowen technique and will give you a great base to begin your own Bowen experience.
Sincerely, Michael H.
Entertainer for over 30 years.
After having read Dr. Mosher’s information, I became re-energized and absolutely inspired with regards to Bowen Therapy. The recent increase in the effectiveness of my treatments since I have been studying Dr. Mosher’s material has amazed myself, my staff and my clients. I have had the moves memorized since my initial training in the Bowen technique, but it’s not until now that I finally understand just what is going on; being able to relay this to my clients makes it a lot easier for them to believe in the process. Thank you Dr. Mitchell Mosher! Amber G.
Hello Dr.
I am a Bowtech therapist in NSW Australia and I am always interested in anything you write, to be truthful I actually read this site mainly for your input to further my knowledge.
So yes please I am very interested in your thoughts on Food Allergies both for my families and any clients that come to me.
My children were highly allergic to foods back in 1980 so I have been on this trail for 30 years, problem solving their and now my 16mth granddaughter’s intolerances.
Thank you for all you input.
Kerry D.
Hi Mitchell,
It is 4.35am. I went to bed early last night and awoke at 1am. I thought I would look at a webinair that I have been meaning to get around to on the Body/Mind connection and emotional release. As I was checking something else on my desk top, your book that you generously shared through the Bowen yahoo group, popped up. So I have been engrossed in it since.
I am 1/2 way through and feeling sleepy now but I just felt compelled to drop you a line and say thank you. You are answering, in simple straightforward ways, a lot of questions that I have had and giving me the language to pass on to people in shorter concise ways.
Best regards,
Jackie O.
Thanks so much Mitchell
I can already see a change in the work that I am doing because of your input.
My clients are having much deeper healing responses. I am much more mindful of what I am doing.
I am very grateful to you for this.
Thanking you
Kind regards
Hey Mitchell, I don't know what I missed, but whatever you are offering, I want one!! Your explanations/papers are wonderful. So many of us seemed to have not gotten the email you refer to; i wonder if it somehow got filtered out somewhere...? Lynn
Hello, Doctor Mosher,
I just finished listening again to your CDs that came with the home study course I bought 4 or 5 years ago. I really resonate with your understanding and approach. I found your DVD invaluable for review. I was wondering if you ever visit the Roseville area, because I would love to do your advanced class. I never met you, but I bought your manuals and DVD and use the techniques. They are great! I also really enjoy the other modalities and discoveries you mention such as emotional and allergy clearing, craniosacral stretch (etc). And your clarity when explaining the more esoteric theories and making them concrete. Anyway, I am finally going to get a website going and I feel a certification from you would be helpful in the Auburn area because you are so well-respected. My good friend, Cindy B, was like a mentor for me when she was here in the states, and Diane H, another good friend, really praised your wonderful treatments. Soooo...I would appreciate it if you notify me of any visits to this area. Thanks! Lori B.
Read your book while waiting for the DVD - enjoyed it very much, thanks!! Received the DVD and it is great just what I needed for a better understanding.
The DVD was very helpful to actually see the moves being performed and the general Bowen Info. is so informative and helped me understand Bowen so much more. I have had the Bowen done, and I found great results so I am in hopes to learn and master it so I can share with others the benefit and to help them feel good. I am totally fascinated in the Bowen procedure. And your book Straying from the Mainstream is a must to read. For me it brought a lot to light. Thanks again, Donna
Sept. 22, 2008
It’s been over a year and a half that I was introduced to Bowen and like many … it was at a time where the pain was so great and the options were getting slim. I was diagnosed with reverse curvature of the cervical vertebra. I had tried Chiropractic, Massage, Traction etc. … and then while on a trip to Florida, at the request of a friend, I experienced Bowen. After my first treatment, I was a bit skeptical due to the gentle nature of the treatment and the pain was still there… but I listened and continued. It was after the third treatment that I noticed that I slept through the night for the first time in months. I have gone over a year with no pain at all.
It was when I got back home that I was so impressed that I wanted to know more about this Bowen treatment. I searched and found a home study course from Mitchell Mosher. When I got the info, I began by reading the booklet, listening to the CD and then watching the DVD. He was very consistent with the Bowen therapist in Florida (Both learned from one of the legends in Bowen’s history). I found Mitchell to be very helpful in the fact that he did not just sell the program and say “good riddance”. He was always helpful in answering questions. His instruction was VERY detailed, if that’s what you desire but to his credit he simplified the technique to allow you to share with others.
Now please understand that there is no substitute for HANDS ON TRAINING.
With the help of Mitchell’s course as well as Cheryll H. in Florida, I was able to share the Bowen experience with others. To help someone get relief from pain, to hear their words of thanks, and to hear them say … thank you … is beyond words. The Bowen technique has been a blessing to me and some dear friends and family. I am so thankful for Mitchell, he is a man that is genuine and cares about others. You owe it to yourself to meet Mitchell and see for yourself. His home study course is a lot like the man himself … Not a lot of Flash but full of SUBSTANCE. It is a great introduction to the Bowen technique and will give you a great base to begin your own Bowen experience.
Sincerely, Michael H.
Entertainer for over 30 years.