There are four reasons why I do an extensive Bowen Therapy session most of the time.
- When I began my Bowen journey I was only licensed to treat the muscles of the leg that affect the function of the feet. So, I did most of my sessions using the Lower Back BRM’S and the leg and foot procedures. These patients had good results for their foot, leg, knee, and hip problems.
Now and then, patients would beg me to do their back, shoulders, and neck. Since I needed the practice and they needed the work, I would swear them to secrecy and go ahead and do a full sequence like what my teachers followed. That was from TMJ to Ankles and parts in between.
Often, these patients had life changing events happen after their session. Also, their feedback on follow-up visits was much more positive than those who I did a limited session for.
Over the years, I sometimes do upper back, neck and shoulder for shoulder problems. Or, upper back, neck, upper respiratory aka allergy/hay fever, and TMJ for jaw problems.
These patients have good results for those problems too. But I can’t recall a one of them who had a life changing experience like the many hundreds of patients had that I did a full sequence on.
2. The TMJ – Pelvis – Ankles are the main transverse plane (horizontal) balance points. If they are tilted or twisted, the alignment of all the frontal and sagittal plane structures become misaligned.
3. I believe that improving the function of the micro-current system – the 3rd dimension of the nervous system helps heal many old wounds and present issues. The micro-current system is a result of the cell membrane, fascia, and meridians.
a. When fascia integrity is improved its liquid-crystal function is improved, hence more micro-currents generated and conducted.
b. When fascia is loosened, the flow of micro-currents and bio chemicals along the meridian ductules is enhanced.
4. When bio-chemicals are released from the meridian points overall physiological function improves. For example; when clients tell us about the runner’s high following a Bowen session, that’s from the release of Beta Endorphins from the nodal points especially along the
spine. Endorphins improve the communication links between the central, endocrine, and immune systems. For example; those clients who had a runner’s high after their session, now report a new sense of peace, well-being, and balance.
Happy Bowening,
Dr. Mosher, aka Mitchell