My first experience with allergy clearing was with a naturopath who found that I was sensitive to eggs. She had me hold eggs in my left hand whilst she made little circular moves with her fingers on both sides of my spine. She started above the butt and went to the base on my skull. It took about 30 seconds. Walla, next time I ate eggs there was none of the yucky feeling all day long like I used to have.
The next experience was with toe nail dust. In the grinding down process of thinning patients thick nails a good deal of dust is created. For safety we used vacuums attached to the drills, but there was always a little residue. I collected some dust on a piece of tape and took it to my Bowen associate. I had her do the Bowen moves up my spine over the erector muscles while holding the tape in my left hand. From then on, I didn’t experience the usual sneezing and runny nose when I got to the office on Monday mornings like I used to.
There are many other examples and cases in my book, STRAYING FROM THE MAINSTREAM – A DOCTOR’S SECRETS.
After moving to North Carolina I started getting seasonal hay fever and allergies. These were most pronounced in the fall and winter. A few weeks ago while working outdoors near Lake Wylie the allergies began again. There was a stiff breeze blowing off the lake and I had a flash-back of the tape and toe nail dust incident many years ago. I pinned a piece of duct tape on the wall of the shop adhesive side facing the breeze and the lake. The next morning the piece of tape was taken to my Bowen Therapy associate and she did the moves as instructed.
When I got off of the table there was a complete clearing of all the symptoms. My therapy friend noted that my nose wasn’t running as it was before. I remain symptom free three weeks later.
I am encouraging people to come to me for a very brief session no charge, so I can document the results. You’ve got nothing but time and gas to lose and maybe a lot to gain.
My first experience with allergy clearing was with a naturopath who found that I was sensitive to eggs. She had me hold eggs in my left hand whilst she made little circular moves with her fingers on both sides of my spine. She started above the butt and went to the base on my skull. It took about 30 seconds. Walla, next time I ate eggs there was none of the yucky feeling all day long like I used to have.
The next experience was with toe nail dust. In the grinding down process of thinning patients thick nails a good deal of dust is created. For safety we used vacuums attached to the drills, but there was always a little residue. I collected some dust on a piece of tape and took it to my Bowen associate. I had her do the Bowen moves up my spine over the erector muscles while holding the tape in my left hand. From then on, I didn’t experience the usual sneezing and runny nose when I got to the office on Monday mornings like I used to.
There are many other examples and cases in my book, STRAYING FROM THE MAINSTREAM – A DOCTOR’S SECRETS.
After moving to North Carolina I started getting seasonal hay fever and allergies. These were most pronounced in the fall and winter. A few weeks ago while working outdoors near Lake Wylie the allergies began again. There was a stiff breeze blowing off the lake and I had a flash-back of the tape and toe nail dust incident many years ago. I pinned a piece of duct tape on the wall of the shop adhesive side facing the breeze and the lake. The next morning the piece of tape was taken to my Bowen Therapy associate and she did the moves as instructed.
When I got off of the table there was a complete clearing of all the symptoms. My therapy friend noted that my nose wasn’t running as it was before. I remain symptom free three weeks later.
I am encouraging people to come to me for a very brief session no charge, so I can document the results. You’ve got nothing but time and gas to lose and maybe a lot to gain.