Chuck’s mother, who's a regular patient, asked me if I would see if I could help Chuck’s foot problems? She said, “Chuck is studying Nursing and he has feet just like mine, and I'm afraid he won't be able to stand and walk on concrete floors as required during the normal work shift.” When I first saw Chuck he had all of the foot problems his mother had informed me about. He also had the familiar hip and low back pain that many times follows after the unstable feet. I introduced him to my foot and Bowen combination and after the first week he noted marked improvement. After the second week he returned with improved skin color and a sparkle in his eyes which were not there before. He informed me that he had gotten his first “A” in a test after two years of nursing school. He told me how he'd “Crammed for exams, and on the day of the test would kind of choke, and thus “B’s” were about the best he could do. Also he said, “While I was at my internship last night I was charting patient notes and all of a sudden I seemed to get everything together.” He went on to say, "I was afraid that I wasn't going to be a very good nurse because even though I could memorize the material to pass the tests, it all didn't make a lot of sense to me. Now it's all come together.” I finished his treatments, made him orthotics, and told him to come back once in awhile for a tune-up.
A few weeks later Mildred brought her mother for an appointment. Mother didn't speak very fluent English so Mildred told me, “My mother isn't eating very well and she has no energy. I know that you're a Foot Doctor, and mom doesn't have any foot problems. But, I'd appreciate it if you could give her one of those treatments that you do. I go to school with Chuck!” She went on to tell me that about a month ago, she'd noticed a change in Chuck’s demeanor. His entire persona had a new character, and she had to ask him what was going on. When he told her that he was having Bowen Therapy and that is all that was different in his life, Mildred concluded that this was responsible in the change in Chuck’s life. I did two sessions for the mother, and her life perked up immediately. I saw her about 6 months later for a tune-up and she was fine ever and after. Mildred kept me posted, since she became a patient too.
Following his graduation, I heard via the grapevine that Chuck got 100% on his State Board of Nursing exam. He also got a very good job and received promotions very quickly. Over the next two years Chuck’s mother came in every two to three months for treatment of her corns and calluses. I often asked how Chuck was doing, and she always said that he was, “Doing real fine and he was planning to come by for a tune up.” One day, he was with his mother during her treatment and we got to talking. I asked,” How are your feet doing?” He replied, “Great. My feet have zero pain, and my toes are all straight on my left foot. My right big toe was deviated about 30 degrees at the first of the year. Now it's about 20 degrees. I think by the end of the year it'll be all straight.” I looked at his mom’s feet, which were all deformed with hammertoes and bunions. She'd had “Corrective foot surgery” by an orthopedist four years before, and her toes were straight for a year or so and then began to re-deform. Something is wrong with this picture. She'd had surgery and her feet remain deformed. He had no surgery, and his feet are straight. What else is striking is that he was still unwinding from the Bowen therapy I'd done two years ago. Now, I can say without any reservation that you can obtain an 80% good result with foot surgery, or you can obtain an 80% or better good results with conservative treatment. This is my conclusion following many similar cases included in my bunion study. (To Find A Practitioner)