True Confessions!
How many unnecessary Surgeries, Cortisone Injections, Prescriptions, and Referrals to orthopedics and physical therapy did I take part in during my podiatry career?
From 1975 to 1995 I performed foot surgery on about 70,000 to 75,000 patients. I did about 10 cases per week.
After integrating Bowen Therapy into my practice in 1995, my surgical cases dropped by at least 30% and remained so until I retired in 2006.
That means that I likely did foot surgery on 15,000 to 20,000 patients from 1975 to 1995 who didn’t need surgery! I wish that I hadn’t done all of them, but I only did what I was taught to do at that point in time and I didn’t know what I didn’t know. Much the same goes for the cortisone, prescriptions, and referrals that I used to do.
From 1995 until I retired in 2006 many of my patients also cancelled their surgeries, prescriptions, injections, and testing by their other doctors.
I have a little booklet that explains why some of this could happen!
The booklet explains some of the reasons why we have signs, symptoms, and undergo unnecessary tests and treatments by the medical system.
Send me your e-mail address for a free copy-
[email protected]
PS: The Booklet I send is in progress.
How many unnecessary Surgeries, Cortisone Injections, Prescriptions, and Referrals to orthopedics and physical therapy did I take part in during my podiatry career?
From 1975 to 1995 I performed foot surgery on about 70,000 to 75,000 patients. I did about 10 cases per week.
After integrating Bowen Therapy into my practice in 1995, my surgical cases dropped by at least 30% and remained so until I retired in 2006.
That means that I likely did foot surgery on 15,000 to 20,000 patients from 1975 to 1995 who didn’t need surgery! I wish that I hadn’t done all of them, but I only did what I was taught to do at that point in time and I didn’t know what I didn’t know. Much the same goes for the cortisone, prescriptions, and referrals that I used to do.
From 1995 until I retired in 2006 many of my patients also cancelled their surgeries, prescriptions, injections, and testing by their other doctors.
I have a little booklet that explains why some of this could happen!
The booklet explains some of the reasons why we have signs, symptoms, and undergo unnecessary tests and treatments by the medical system.
Send me your e-mail address for a free copy-
[email protected]
PS: The Booklet I send is in progress.